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Renato Santos
Scientific classification
Superdomain: Biota/Vitae
(unranked): "Tellurobiota"
Empire: Cytota
(unranked): "Last Universal Common Ancestor"
Domain: Bacteria
(unranked): Neomura
Domain: Archaea
Kingdom: Proteoarchaeota
Superphylum: "Asgard"
Phylum: Heimdallarchaeota
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked): "Mitochondrial Eukaryotes"
(unranked): "Crown Eukaryotes"
(unranked): "Orthokaryotes"
(unranked): "Neokaryotes"
(unranked): "Scotokaryotes"/Opimoda/Neozoa
Alliance: Sulcozoa/Podiata/Sarcomastigota
(unranked): Amorphea/Unikonta
(unranked): Obazoa
(unranked): Opisthokonta
Phylum: Choanozoa/Holozoa
(unranked): Filozoa
(unranked): Apoikozoa
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Porifera
Subkingdom: Eumetazoa/"Diploblasts"/Epitheliozoa/Histozoa
Subkingdom: Radiata
(unranked): ParaHoxozoa
Subkingdom: Bilateria/"Triploblasts"
(unranked): Nephrozoa
Phylum: Acoelomorpha
(unranked): Eubilateria
(unranked): Coelomata
Superphylum: Deuterostoma
(unranked): Dexiothetica
Phylum: Chordata
(unranked): Olfactores
(unranked): Craniata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Cyclostomata
Superclass: 'Agnatha'
(unranked): Thelodonti/Thelodontomorphi
(unranked): "Gnathostomatomorpha"
infraphylum: Gnathostomata
(unranked): Eugnathostomata
Class: Osteichthyes/Euteleostomi
Class: Sarcopterygii
Infraclass: Crossopterygii
Infraclass: Choanata/Rhipidistia
Infraclass: Tetrapodomorpha/Osteolepimorpha
(unranked): Eotetrapodiformes
Superorder: Osteolepidida/Osteolepiformes
Order: Elpistostegalia/Panderichthyida
(unranked): Stegocephalia
Class: Amphibia
Order: Ichthyostegalia
Family: Elginerpetonidae
Superclass: Tetrapoda
Class: Batrachomorpha
Superorder: Reptiliomorpha
Order: Anthracosauria
(unranked): Batrachosauria
(unranked): Amniotamorpha
(unranked): "Crown Tetrapods"
(unranked): "Amniotaformes"
(unranked): Cotylosauria
Series: Amniota
(unranked): "Crown Amniotes"
Class: Synapsida/Theropsida
Order: Pelycosauria
Suborder: Eupelycosauria
(unranked): Sphenacodontia
Superfamily: Sphenacodontoidea
Order: Therapsida
(unranked): "Eotherapsida"
Suborder: Biarmosuchia
(unranked): Eutherapsida
(unranked): Neotherapsida
(unranked): Theriodontia
(unranked): Eutheriodontia
Suborder: Cynodontia
(unranked): Epicynodontia
Infraorder: Eucynodontia
(unranked): Probainognathia
Superfamily: Chiniquodontoidea
(unranked): Prozostrodontia
(unranked): Mammaliamorpha
Subclass: Mammaliaformes
Class: Mammalia
Superdivision: Theriimorpha
Division: Theriiformes
Infraclass: Holotheria/Patriotheria/Orthotheria
Superlegion: Trechnotheria/Yangotheria
Legion: Symmetrodonta
Legion: Cladotheria
(unranked): Prototribosphenida
Order: Amphitheriida
Sublegion: Zatheria
Infralegion: Tribosphenida
(unranked): Boreosphenida
Supercohort: Theria
(unranked): "Crown Therians"
Infraclass: Eutheria
Cohort: Placentalia
Magnorder: Epitheria
Magnorder: Boreoeutheria
superorder: Preptotheria/Tokotheria
Superorder: Euarchontoglires/Supraprimates
Superorder: Archonta
Grandorder: Euarchonta
Mirorder: Primatomorpha
Order: Primates/Euprimates
Suborder: Haplorrhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Infraorder: Anthropoidea
Parvorder: Catarrhini
Superfamily: Propliopithecoidea (sensu lato)
Family: Dendropithecidae (sensu lato)
(unranked): "Crown catarrhines"
Superfamily: Hominoidea
(unranked): "Crown hominoids"
Family: Pongidae (sensu lato)
Family: Hominidae
Subfamily: Homininae
(unranked): "Crown hominines"
Tribe: Hominini
Subtribe: Hominina
Subtribe: Australopithecina
Genus: Australopithecus
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo habilis
Species: Homo ergaster
Subgenus: Homo (Pithecanthropus)
Species: Homo (Pithecanthropus) erectus
Species group: "Homo sapiens"
Species: Homo antecessor
Subgenus: Homo (Homo)
Species: Homo (Homo) sapiens
Subspecies: Homo (Homo) sapiens sapiens
Race: Caucasian
Stock: Mediterranean
Binomial name
Renato Santos
Santos & Luís, 1983



Name's Renato Santos, I'm currently between jobs, and I have a degree in Biology, minor in Earth Science.

  • Interests
  • Specific Interests

I also like to draw, read and write fiction in my free time. You can find some of my work on:


  • Random copyediting and fretting.
  • Projects
  • Maintaining genera lists and revising articles.
  • Maintaining genera lists and revising articles.

Disclaimer: As I have a life beyond Wikipedia, I reserve the right to leave these here tasks unattended for months on end. If you feel like doing any of these, go right ahead.


  • Pages created
List of plesiosaurs
List of crurotarsans
List of pterosaur classifications
List of ichthyosaurs
Citrus tristeza virus
  • Major edits
List of pterosaurs
Dwarf Crocodile
Charles II, Duke of Bourbon
  • Images
Guanlong wucaii head detail
  • Subpages





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